Most Steiff collectors have a wish list, and Steiffgal is no different! Topping her list are items that were only made for a year or two, are a little "unusual", and that have a fun story or history behind them. Here's an item that she recently welcomed to her hug that certainly fits all three criteria. Take a "long look" here!
This tall drink of water is called Zotty Zolac. He is five ways jointed and 40 cm tall, with his legs claiming about half that height! Zolac's head and body are made from shaggy caramel tipped mohair, while his feet, hands, and bib are detailed with apricot colored mohair. He has an open felt lined mouth, brown pupil eyes, and a hand stitched nose. Zolac was only made from 1964 through 1966. If Zolac were an athlete, he'd definitely play in the NBA!
Zolac is the offspring of two very well known, and loved, Steiff designs. The bearish part of his design is the classic Steiff Zotty. Zotty was one of the first new bear designs introduced post war, in 1951. The word "Zotty" is from the German word "Zottel", which means shaggy. Zotty was initially produced in nine sizes, ranging from 17 through 100 cm, in brown tipped mohair. As his popularity grew, so did his range in the line; he has appeared as a sleeping animal, a play rug, and a pajama bag among other items. In 1960 a white mohair version was introduced; Zotty has also been produced in several different forms of plush over the years. A variety of newer and vintage white and caramel-colored Zottys are pictured here.
And just what makes a Zotty a Zotty? Zottys all have an open felt lined mouth, a front insert bib made of a complementary colored mohair to his body, and of course, are shaggy!
Zolac gets his height and body shape from the other side of his family, the Lulacs. These fun-loving creatures all have exaggeratedly long limbs and torsos. The German verb “to laugh” is lachen, and the word for smile is Lächeln; suggesting that this style was designed to have a goofy appearance and to bring a smile to the face of the owner.
The first lulac animal, a rabbit, appeared in 1952, and is still being produced in modified form today. A large menagerie of species have been produced in the lulac style over the years, including frogs, dogs, tigers, and cats. Pictured here are a variety of newer and vintage Lulac style animals : (L to R... Joggi jogging rabbit, Lulac rabbit, Sulac spaniel, Mobby rat, Lulac tiger, and mini Lulac rabbit).So Steiff readers, what special piece tops your wish list? Or is already part of your hug? If you want to learn more about it, let's talk! Click here to learn more.