
Sunday, April 11, 2021

Chilling Out With This Life-sized Steiff Polar Bear

It's white-out conditions - in a very big way - when it comes to this next SteiffLife blog inquiry. Who knew Polar bears roamed Salt Lake? But apparently they do, at least in this lucky collector's home. Greg from Utah writes:

"Dear Steiffgal, 
Greetings from Salt Lake. Please find attached photos of a Polar bear we acquired recently. It is almost 6 feet long and 3 feet tall. We found it in Utah. Do you have any ideas on when it was made, where it came from or if he has a name? Thank you in advance for your help here."


Size certainly defies when it comes to this big boy. Given Greg's note, and the bear’s IDs, materials, and presentation, Steiffgal can confirm that this is a Steiff Studio Polar bear, and that it probably dates from the mid 1970s through the early 1980s. The size certainly confirms its Studio status - meaning that the item is life-sized, or created in pre-historic proportions. As far as Steiffgal can tell, he does not have a "name" other than something descriptive like Studio Standing Polar Bear, so Greg has the opportunity to name him anything he'd like! And, for his origins... it is possible that he made his way from Giengen to an area museum, toy store, or zoo awhile back as a display or window feature. But only the Polar bear knows for sure!


The devil is in the details - and their interpretation - when it comes to dating this polar pal, as Steiffgal was not able to find any specific reference to this design in her reference materials at hand. This bear's materials and detailing are consistent with display sized items of the mid 1970s through the early 1980s, with three factors rising to the tip of the iceberg. 


1. Material. The "heyday" of premier Steiff Studio animal production was in the 1960s, when the company produced many extraordinary, lifesized species in mohair. As this fabric became more expensive in the 1970s onward, the company started transitioning production towards synthetic materials, including long woven fur like this.


2. Facial detailing. Mid-century Studio items also usually had finely executed facial detailing, including elegant and lifeline hand embroidered noses and mouths. This example has a solid black nose which has been inserted into his facial muzzle. This sort of nose treatment - using cloth, faux leather material, or a 3D plastic or rubber version - is seen frequently on items from the third quarter of the 20th century onward. 


3. IDs. The appearance of the item's yellow cloth ear tag and Steiff button is consistent with the time frame under discussion. Throughout the 20th century, it was not unusual for Steiff animals that were not standard line, or that were produced in very small numbers, to have hand-written numbers on their oversized eartags. Steiffgal has several "larger than life" 1950s through 1980s era items with yellow ear tags and hand-written numbers. And for the larger metal script style button - this exact detailing appears on her standing Studio Panda, which was produced most likely in the 1972 through 1980 timeframe.


Steiffgal hopes you found this discussion on this Studio Polar bear a great opportunity to chill out - in the best possible way. 


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