
Sunday, October 25, 2020

This Life-sized Steiff Dog Will Have Your Eyes - Irish Or Not - All A'smiling!

It's time to set the record straight... no one does dogs better than Steiff!
This is especially true when it comes to the company's outstanding 20th century life-sized pooches. These true-to-scale dogs are usually rendered so authentically that they can be confused for their real-life brothers. Take a look at this amazing Steiff Irish Setter. There's no question he'll have your eyes - Irish or not - all a'smiling!

It's no joke - this big, beautiful boy is Steiff Pranko Setter.
He measures about 33" tall and about 40" long, not including his impressive tail. He is standing, unjointed, and made from deep reddish-brown woven fur. He is solidly stuffed with a mix of excelsior and polyfill, with an interior metal frame for strength and stability. His head and legs are made from shorter fur, while his earl, tail, body, and leg-feathering are made from longer fur. His personality really shines through his face; it is detailed with brown and black pupil eyes, a lifelike muzzle, dimensional jowls, a large leather like nose, and airbrushed highlights. He wears his original green collar and retains his button in ear and ear tag with EAN 4060/80. Pranko was made in this size only from 1978 through 1981.

Also in the line about the same time as Pranko was a life-sized sitting Irish Setter named Bosco. Like Pranko, he is cataloged at about 33" tall (officially 80 cm) and has the same general appearance, personality, and construction. He appeared from 1979-1983. These realistic Irish Setter dogs were introduced right at the time when Steiff updated how these life-sized animals were named. Steiff launched the name "Studiotiere" or "Studio animal" in 1979/1980. So life sized animals produced before then are technically "Schautiere" or "Display animals" and those produced at, or after that time, are technically "Studio animals."

Irish Setters are a rare dog breed in the Steiff commercial line.
The first one appeared in 1933 in 17, 22, 28, and 35 cm. He was standing on all fours, made from long and short mohair, and of course, had the breed's distinctive long floppy ears and tail. This model appeared through 1940. These are pretty rare and the only ones Steiffgal has seen trade hands were a 17 and 28 cm version at a Steiff auction at Christies in London in 2010. You can see the 17 cm version here on the left, the photo is from Christies. Also debuting in the early 1930s was a similarly designed riding Irish Setter on wooden wheels. This model was mounted on a metal carriage and appeared in 35, 43, and 50 cm through 1941. This riding Setter made a brief re-appearance postwar, from 1950 through 1954 in 43 and 50 cm. The key difference between the pre and postwar versions was that the postwar version had rubber, not wooden, tires. 

It seems like dog years since an Irish Setter has graced the Steiff catalog. 
A quick online search suggests that within the last 10 to 15 years, the company introduced an utterly charming 12 cm Irish Setter as part of a miniature canine program. Like his forefathers, this petite prince featured authentic Irish Setter coloring and long, floppy ears. You can see this good boy here on the left.

Steiffgal hopes this discussion on Steiff's lovely Studio Irish Setter has given your day a golden glow.

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