
Monday, May 11, 2020

A Little Something To Celebrate!

I don't know about you, but the current state of affairs is making Steiffgal a little soft. Soft in the head, soft around the middle, and soft in housekeeping affairs - among a few others. Can you relate? In keeping with the theme of softness, Steiffgal would love to share with you two somewhat recent, but totally irresistible Steiff editions that she keeps around as desk decorations. Both were made as celebratory collaborations with other German companies or organizations. Hopefully you will find joy in them as well!

Check out that mug! Our first plush personality is this sitting, unjointed pug dog. He 12 cm tall and is made from tan and brown soft velvet material. His hugely oversized head comes to life with a tuft of long blonde plush, dimensional jowls, and embroidered features including round, black and white cartoon eyes and a big doggy smile. He has a tiny curly tail just like a real pug. And he wears a brown plush collar. His EAN is 990724, and he was produced in 2011. He does not have a chest tag. This precious pug is a "special edition," but not a numbered, limited edition. 

Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce "Cobby," the goodwill ambassador for FCI, or Federation Cynologique Internationale. This translates to "World Canine Organization." FCI is an international federation of national kennel clubs, and is based out of Thuin, Belgium. Cobby is FCI's mascot, and he debuted on May 6th, 2011 in honor of the organization's 100 year anniversary event. Cobby was so beloved, and so well received, that he has become part of FCI's general communications and branding outreach. According to FCI's website, "Our mascot, which was designed by the well-known Steiff company in Germany, is perfect as a reward or as a present for anniversary events, but also for any event in general." And the Steiff loving world couldn't agree more!

Now let's turn the page to our second soft sweetie. Here we have "Mikael the bookworm." He is 15 cm long from start to finish and made from tan, brown, light green, and darker green plush. His unjointed body is "s" shaped. Mikael's preciously pensive and very studious face comes to life with a tuft of tan hair, black bead eyes, a pink smile, and black embroidered glasses. His EAN is 674655. His button and yellow tag are located on a tab on his body. He does not have a chest tag. Mikael is a "special edition" and arrived packaged in a commemorative box, but is not a numbered, limited edition.

Marvelous Mikael, like Cobby, was created to honor a centennial event. He was made in 2019 for a chain of bookstores in Germany called Thalia. This business opened in 1919 in Hamburg at the Thalia Theater. According to Wiki, "The Thalia Theater is one of the three state-owned theatres in Hamburg, Germany. It was founded in 1843 by Charles Maurice Schwartzenberger and named after the muse Thalia." Mikael has a special hang tag in German, which translates roughly to, "Here is Mikael the bookworm. He reads for a living. He is a completely original Steiff design and is only available through Thalia as a limited edition in honor of our 100 year anniversary. He feels most comfortable in hands that also like to leaf through books." As such, this Mikael has found a perfect home with Steiffgal. 

Steiffgal hopes this discussion on two sort of silly Steiff editions has added a little humor to your day.

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