
Friday, November 16, 2012

Stand and Deliver With This Huge And Unusual Steiff Surprise

Panda-monium has absolutely broken out in Steiffgal's house over the most recent addition to her ever growing hug.  Here's the story of the arrival of a larger than life new Steiff companion worthy of the red carpet treatment!

Good things come in all size packages... and the courier arrives around 10:00am with one extra-large sized delivery!  He personally drove the item from Indiana to Massachusetts, so the two of them got to be good friends crossing the country together. 

The anticipation builds as the surprise makes its way towards the house...

Just bear-ly fitting up the narrow, curved staircase....

At last landing at its final destination, the bedroom (which is in the process of being painted in honor of his arrival.) 

Now for the great unveiling... just what do we have here?  Click on the arrow on the photo above to view the video and find out!

This bit of advice doesn't suck... always thoroughly clean your new Steiff arrivals carefully, including a light vacuuming...

...and a gentle scrub with a white cotton washcloth and a dilute solution of Woolite in warm water. 

So just who is this prehistorically sized panda?  In reality, Steiffgal isn't 100% certain, as she can find no reference to him in any Steiff reference book.  And his previous owners don't know a thing about him either; they found him in a storage bin in Indiana and put him up for auction shortly after.  Here's what we DO know about him:  he's 190 cm, standing, unjointed, and made entirely from long shaggy mohair - except for his ears, which are made from black dralon.  His face, which is made from slightly shorter white mohair, is detailed with large brown and black pupil eyes and a hand embroidered black nose and mouth.  His mouth has a little additional grey airbrushed highlights around his jaw.  Panda's foot pads are made from heavy plastic material, while his paw pads are made from trivera velvet material.  They are carefully airbrushed with authentic looking hand prints.  He has four rubber claws on each of his hands and feet.  Panda keeps his standing balance via a metal support stand attached to his backside. 

It's not so black and white when it comes to identifying a rarity like this.  However, it is Steiffgal's best guess, given panda's size, appearance, and body shape, that he is a modification of Steiff's Studio standing Braunbaer or Brown Bear that was in the line from 1972 through 1980.  Brown bear is pictured above; his full story can be found here. Brown bear is also standing and 190 cm tall.  His body is made from a brown knitted fur material.  His face is made from short tan colored mohair and is detailed with brown and black pupil eyes, a black leather-like nose, and a few airbrushed highlights.  And, like Studio panda, his paw pads are made from a trivera velvet like material, have airbrushed "paw prints" on them, and are complemented by lifelike claws.  Studio Brown bear was made from 1972 through 1980; in 1972 only he was sold exclusively in the United States.

And, just in case you were wondering, ALMOST everyone here was excited to welcome new Studio panda to the hug.  

Steiffgal hopes this unveiling of her Steiff studio panda has been a larger than life experience for you!

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