
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Giving Thanks For Steiff

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to reflect on what is important, and give heartfelt appreciation for those things and people that mean the most to us. Steiffgal thought it would be just the right time of year to send a big hug and "thank you" to all the friends from across the world who come to this column to share in the love of all things button-in-ear.

Of course, Steiffgal is thankful for having Steiff in her life, and the joy and excitement that collecting brings along with it. However, there are a few "unsung everyday heroes" in her collection for which she would like to extend a special "thank you" for the daily service they provide.

First, a "jumbo" thank you to Trotty, the giant elephant. Trotty is 90 cm and made from grey and white woven fur. He has a tuft of black fur on the tip of his tail and airbrushed details on his face and paws. He was produced from 2001 through 2003, and also came in a "smaller" 60 cm size.

Why thanks? Better than a backrest and the best naptime buddy ever, most Steifflife columns (including this one) were written while snuggling up with this prehistorically sized pachyderm.

Next, thanks goes out to a Steiff buddy who always seems to be hanging around. This red mohair rabbit is 8 cm, head jointed, and is fully posable because of his internal wire armature. He has brown and black pupil eyes and darling pert black whiskers. He was produced in 2005 as part of a series of hanging bunnies, which included blue, yellow, and apricot colored versions.

Why thanks? This constant companion travels with Steiffgal everyday to and from work as her briefcase dangling “lucky charm”… and is a great Steiff conversation starter with other subway commuters.

As many readers are aware, Steiffgal lost a job to the recession earlier this year, but found another very exciting opportunity within a few months. On her first day on the new job, she brought along two tiny, but very special Steiff items for her new desk. These included a little 10 cm orange and white mohair Bully puppy from the 2005 Steiff yellow tag collection, and a 7 cm, five ways jointed super-fuzzy brown mohair Teddy from the early 2000’s.

Why thanks? This darling couple reminds Steiffgal how fortunate she is to have a great job despite these tough economic times - without taking up too much space on her desk!

Finally, it’s certainly ok to give thanks to things beyond work, so here’s two Steiff friends that make “playtime” even more fun. Here we have two unlikely roommates, a monk and the devil! The monk is actually a beer monk; he is 35 cm tall, made from trevira velvet, and sports a red cowl, tan logo’ed apron, and tiny leather sandals. He was produced in 1999 as a 1,500 piece limited edition for the Alpirsbacher monastery brewery in Germany. The devil is a 27 cm red trevira hand puppet, produced from 1980 through 1983. He has great black woven fur as hair, a ruff, and on the tip of his tail.

Why thanks? These two friends live in Steiffgal’s kitchen – guarding the in-house beer tap and keg refrigerator. They are a constant reminder of the importance of daily fun in moderation… something that Steiffgal is very happy to exercise!

Friends, Steiffgal hopes you all have a peaceful Thanksgiving. She also asks that you take the opportunity to use the holiday as a time to express gratitude for those things that make life so sweet and interesting. As Aaron Copeland wrote in his 1945 Pulitzer Prize winning Shaker-themed Appalachian Spring symphony:

‘Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free,

'Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,

And when we find ourselves in the place just right,

'Twill be in the valley of love and delight.

When true simplicity is gain'd,

To bow and to bend we shan't be asham'd,

To turn, turn will be out delight,

'Till by turning, turning we come round right.

Have a question about one of your Steiff treasures you are particularly thankful for? Let's talk! Click here to learn more.